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Board of advisers
Next to this core team we have an expending group of people who support us and guide us. Among them are experts in aviation, electronic, mechanical engineering, start-ups, investors, government grants and much more. They come from many different location of the globe. We appreciate each of them and the assistance they are giving us.

If you're interested in our endeavor and think you might be of assistance please reach out and contact us at

The Team

Peter Dobber
Catharina Gebel
Thiago Augusto Sielski Marquardt

Founder and driving force behind Sky-Hopper, Dobber has a B.S. in Computer Science and more then 25 years experience in IT industry.  He is now putting his energy in developing the first affordable eco-friendly aircraft for everyday use, that is safe, affordable and as easy to use as a mainstream car and is so small it fits a standard parking space.

Gebel has an extensive background in sales and marketing in both the USA and Europe in various industries. Gebel's duties include the day to day running of Sky-Hopper as well as all sales, marketing and PR responsibilities.

Marquardt is our youngest and newest addition to the Sky-Hopper team. Marquardt is a bright engineer from Brazil who is helping out with optimizing the structural designs for our new prototype. His background in structural analysis and his engineering experience at various multinational companies is of great value in the further development of Sky-Hopper.

©2017. Sky-Hopper KvK 63839458

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